Headsets are obviously an essential accessory for gamers who want to communicate with their fellow virtual adventurers or simply enjoy an immersive gaming experience without waking up the entire household. But of course, splurging on a PS5 and a fancy new 4K TV to go with can make your wallet feel like it has just run a marathon. In such cases, you may wonder if you can salvage your old PS4 headsets. So do PS4 headsets work on PS5? The simple answer to this query is yes, you CAN use your PS4 headset with a PS5. If you have a…
Author: T Santhosh
Rest Mode is a state where your PS5 goes to catch some Zs while still being able to charge your controllers and download your games and their updates. It is a pretty critical little feature as it allows the PS5 to dial down its power consumption from about 350W peak all the way down to 1.3W in Rest Mode allowing you to save up on your hard-earned spondulicks. But if you are new to experiencing this, you may have a burning question (pun intended) can PS5 overheat in Rest Mode? After all, no one wants to wake up from deep…
As incredible as the PS5 is, its storage capacity might leave some gamers scratching their heads, particularly given the fact that the majority of the games take up more storage space than a hoarder’s garage. That’s where external hard drives come in handy, offering the promise of extra storage and potentially saving you from the dreaded task of choosing which beloved games to delete. However, when it comes to the question of whether can you play PS5 games from an external hard drive directly, the answer can be quite anti-climactic. So Can You Play PS5 Games From an External Hard…
The short and simple answer to the question “Does PS5 Support 165Hz Monitor?” is a Yes. PS5 will work on a 165Hz monitor BUT there is a catch, it may not work the way you’d want it to work. In other words, PS5 supports a maximum refresh rate of 120Hz. As such, 165Hz refresh will simply not be supported. Your games will NOT work at 165 FPS. They will instead work ONLY at a maximum of 120 FPS that too if your 165Hz monitor has the supported 120Hz refresh rate mode. If all this sounds a bit confusing to you,…
When it comes to performance and hardware, PS5 is a significant step up from its predecessors. One of the most prominent changes it brings with it is the introduction of high-speed SSDs. Now PS5 does provide you with an extra M.2 slot for expanding storage space. But which SSD is compatible with PS5 in the first place? The short and simple answer is that it needs to be a Gen 4 NVMe PCIe SSD. These terms can be a bit daunting at first, but I will explain what they mean below. As the general trend of the games and their…
PS5 brings with it many new innovations but at the same time leaves many of us pondering some burning questions. One such question is: does the PS5 upscale PS4 games automatically? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no. Whether a PS4 game can upscale on PS5 or not depends upon whether the developer has released a specific upscaling patch for the game or not. Upscaling is the process of taking lower-resolution content and then boosting it to a higher resolution. This results in extra pixels added to the overall image making it smoother and more detailed. We know that…
In the realm of connectivity, DisplayPort holds a lot of respect. The majority of high-end gaming systems and monitors offer DisplayPort connectivity. However, DisplayPort generally sees most of its use ONLY for PC. Gaming consoles and TVs haven’t yet adopted the DisplayPort interface thoroughly. Hence, the short and simple answer to the question: “Does PS5 Have DisplayPort?” is a no. PS5 DOES NOT feature DisplayPort. It instead offers the HDMI 2.1 port. PS5 Offers the HDMI 2.1 Port PS5 offers the latest HDMI 2.1 port and it comes bundled with an HDMI Ultra High-Speed cable that is capable of supporting…
QHD seems to be a more viable resolution for PS5 given the fact that 4K games are too taxing on its hardware. As such, it is making more and more sense for buyers to consider the QHD 1440P monitors instead of the 4K monitors since they cost a lot less. But when it comes to the question of does PS5 support 1440P 120Hz display mode in the first place, the answer has been a roller coaster ride. As it stands today, PS5 DOES support NATIVE 1440P displays at a 120Hz refresh rate. When PS5 first came, it did not have…
For as long as video games have graced our lives, certain pairings have often remained synonymous with each other, PC monitors with PC gaming, gaming consoles with TV. These pairs are kind of like an unwritten rule. However, the current generation of consoles, including PS5, is more often than not defying this tradition and challenging the status. This is one of the main reasons why PS5 actually released support for 1440P resolution (which was absent when it first came out). 1440P resolution is found on monitors. TV is either FHD or 4K. Those of you migrating from TVs to monitors…
8K is a resolution frontier that is yet to be conquered not just for the gaming industry but also for the multimedia industry in general. To ask for 8K gaming at a time when even 4K is too much to ask at a respectable frame is like a far-fetched dream, but as far as the question “Does PS5 support 8K resolution?” goes, the answer is affirmative. PS5 CAN support 8K resolution. However, given how demanding that would be for any respectable game out there, it would be impossible to deliver 8K resolution at the minimum playable 30FPS without HEAVILY compromising…